Today we examine the underrated greatness that is Bill Russell. We learn about sacrifice and winning and how being patient is fundamental to success. Yesterday marks the birth of the most underrated athlete of all time. He isn’t the biggest, or the most famous, and he isn’t even the best at selling shoes. He is only …
On this day we remember former president Ronald Reagan and learn how his manner of living gracefully can benefit us all. We kick off the HMGC-Have More Grace Challenge. Welcome to the C Thomas Printer Cooperative. We are gathered here today to remember the life of one of our greatest presidents, the 40th president, Ronald Wilson …
Two years ago today The great Kobe Bryant passed away He understood what we are trying to teach He preached it to all he could reach Around the world people say “I learnt from him” They saw rings but not the hours in the gym They admired the drive and how hot the fire burned …
Taking the path less travelled leads… “There, I said it. Are you happy? I sound just as ridiculous as Tiger Woods when he said it at his first press conference in ’96. Don’t think I don’t remember.” “Stop it, you have to say it.” “Excuse me, are we live?” “What are you doing?” “I can’t …