I have an important topic that I have been wanting to write about, but I feel like this topic today is just too important, too timely, and too much fun. We rarely have fun here at the C Thomas Printer Cooperative. This is a place of vegetables and protractors not slip and slides and pillow …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 We talked about the Euro elections and how that was able to shake up European politics last week. The wonderful thing about societies where we do have enough freedom to have elections is that sometimes, rarely, but sometimes, the people get their head out of their asses, and vote some …
I find traditions very instructive concerning how things have been, are, and probably will be. The American Heritage dictionary has three definitions of tradition that I want to investigate today. The first definition is “The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.” This one has stood the …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 Wednesday was a big day with the CPI print coming out, more on that in a minute, and the Federal Reserve rate decision, it didn’t move rates, and the Powell press conference. Powell, known for being a real sweetheart, if you are long the market never fails to almost get …
In 1978, Clint Eastwood and a baboon made a movie together, forgive me, it was an orangutan, an orangutan having 12 ribs you see. The script told the story of a bare knuckle fighter Eastwood and his little hairy friend Clyde. They chased girls together and even feuded with a motorcycle gang. This being the …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 America has decided to allow Ukraine to launch American weapons into Russia and now this week four Russian ships will be in Havana Cuba just 90 miles off our coast. These exercises have happened before and some in the state department are saying this is routine, but I don’t believe …
I was reading an article this week written by Vanessa Wong and Jilian Berman in MarketWatch about how a $114,000 salary today makes you feel poorer than your parents. It is a very insightful article about how Americans today are poorer in purchasing power, in lifestyle, and in the ratio of money that they have …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 I’d love to sit here this week and roast my chestnuts on an open fire, sing Kumbaya, and tell you everything is going to be all right. That is not the case. Let’s begin with Matt Egan and CNN, “Many Americans would love to buy a home, but they don’t …
I want to talk to you about AAA today. No, not the American Automobile Association which has supported motorists for decades as they get a 10% discount on hotel stays across the country. I want to start with AAA meaning assassination attempt apathy. We talked about Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico being shot and I …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 The weird thing about being pinched is that it doesn’t hurt at first. If I reach out and touch a rock that is too close to a fire, I instantly feel the burn, much like obese America in a Tai Chi Class. However, if I am being pinched it starts …