Taking the path less travelled leads…
“There, I said it. Are you happy? I sound just as ridiculous as Tiger Woods when he said it at his first press conference in ’96. Don’t think I don’t remember.”
“Stop it, you have to say it.”
“Excuse me, are we live?”
“What are you doing?”
“I can’t say that?”
“No, we have to publish before it gets posted.”
“Ok, is this thing on? Is that better?”
–puts head in hands in resignation-
“No good? Are we on the world wide web blog now? I apologize to you the reader, but my partner in crime here insisted I say ‘Hello world’ because it is cool. This will be the last time we try to be cool.”
all feisty –“I’m sure any chance of cool just left when you said world wide web blog”
“I’m ready.” Coughing. “Welcome everyone to the C Thomas Printer Cooperative where we share our thoughts to make you think, make you remember, and make you smile. Patent Pending.”
“What? There is no patent pending.”
“Patent pending.”
“What are you patenting, words? Conversation? Who are you, Johannes Gutenberg?”
“Funny story about Johannes Gutenberg…”
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for visiting our cooperative. We will return to Johannes Guttenberg as well as many other historical figures, events, learnings, and stories from our contributing authors. Our goal is to make this little corner of the internet a comfortable little place to spend a few minutes and enjoy yourself. We will see you soon.”
Sincerely Yours,
C Thomas Printer