Folks, it is getting tough out there. Part of my time is scouring news sites informing myself and trying to figure out where the financial puck might be going, but sometimes I realize that the puck stops here, and I did the same when I got to this article from MarketWatch. Alessandra Malito responds to …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 I was all ready to write about the GDP report that came out Wednesday that reported slower growth as 1st quarter GDP came in at 1.6% versus the 3.5% expected and inflation was shown to be increasing. The word stagflation was bandied about with real concern. It seems the economy …
“If you have to convince a group of people who are not directly dependent on the solution of a problem, you will never succeed.” Ludwig Von Mises, Socialism lesson In the last Looking Backwards Looking Forwards I mocked a homeowner that had refinanced his or her house into a 52-year mortgage. Mocked is the word, …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 We have discussed the unsustainable fiscal path that the United States is on, and this was pointed out by Moody’s when they warned about our credit and possible downgrades, but now there is another agency that is shining the light on the US. The IMF had their big meetings in …
“A country becomes more prosperous in proportion to the rise in the invested capital per unit of its population.” Ludwig Von Mises I was recently watching this new movie called Twister. It is a story about tornados and chasing them. It has Bill Paxton and the oh so lovely Helen Hunt. If you don’t find …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 On Saturday, Iran sent dozens upon dozens of drones and missiles toward Israel in response to the Israeli bombing of their top commander in Syria last week. The US has sent air defense forces to intercept incoming aerial projectiles and the Israeli Iron dome defense seems to be getting the …
Dunkirk was a wonderful movie that chronicled the desperate plight to get the mostly English soldiers off mainland Europe and back home to the UK. Germany had outfoxed them, and the destiny of a country truly hung in the balance. The UK owned the seas and were able to summon enough boats to get their …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 Tom Hanks’ character Jimmie Dugan once signed an autograph “Avoid the clap, Jimmie Dugan” in the movie A League of their Own. His advice is timeless because some things once caught are tough to get rid of. Inflation is the financial equivalent of a sexually transmitted disease. It is hard …
The Golden Arches are a symbol of McDonald’s, or golden arcs if you are a fan of McDowell’s, but mostly they are a symbol of Americana. They represent fast food, quick delicious, with the best breakfast value in the world, well before this last inflation hit and now a pair of breakfast burritos will set …
Backwards … LB #1 Today we start off by mourning the death of an intellectual giant. Daniel Kahneman was, is, and forever will be the godfather of behavioral economics. He and his friend Amos Tversky upended economics in proving that people don’t actually respond to complex situations rationally. They dislike losing more than they enjoy …