That is the Deguello, it is known as the Cut Throat song composed by Dmitri Tiomkin. It is the Mexican bugle played before the Alamo, and it means no quarter. It means there will be no mercy, and it means you have been warned. In Rio Bravo, Dean Martin’s “Dude” sobered up real quick when …
Looking Backwards… LB #1 The ad market is broken and it reveals insight to where the puck is going. Axios reports that in media Buzzfeed saw a 35% decline in ad revenue year over year, Dotdash Meredith down 12% and the Wall Street Journal parent down 3%. Major media networks Warner Bros., Comcast/NBC Universal, Paramount, …
America has been left with a choice and there is no right answer. Due to the two-party system prevalent in American politics voters might be staring down a sequel that no one wants to see again, Donald Trump vs Joe Biden. I personally think that Trump will be convicted, and Biden will be replaced by …
Looking Backwards… LB #1 A Friday night dirtie got done after the markets closed when Moody’s downgraded the US outlook to negative from stable. They didn’t go so far as to downgrade our debt which is still triple Aaa but it is the last straw before it does. “While the statement by Moody’s maintains …
I’m often reminded of the first three subjects of our Cooperative: Kobe Bryant, Bill Russell, and Ronald Reagan. They exhibited such different yet such wonderful strengths. Kobe Bryant had a unmatched work ethic and a self- assurance that his way would be successful, Bill Russell was driven by sacrifice and understanding team dynamics to become …
Looking Backwards… LB #1 We recently mentioned that the markets were in a fragile place and it turned out the market listened. The Japanese Yen was at the important 150 level and the market went through that level as the Bank of Japan kind of eased off their stance of yield curve control, but not …
“Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt.” Benjamin Franklin We left off last week in 1900 when gold officially became the only metal redeemable by the US government as money. The silver standard was gone as with it went the inflationary impulses of increased silver finds like the Comstock lode that …
Looking Backwards… LB #1 We often talk about what Doomberg says, “Energy is life.” Europe got their energy supply cut off last year and they are feeling the economic consequences, and they will moving forward. Their economy is slowing dying. Their experiment with green energy is blowing up as we speak. Wind energy giant Siemens …
“Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.”― Norm Franz, Money and Wealth in the New Millennium Today I want to talk about the greatest quarterback of all time. He played in 10 titles games while winning 7 of …
Well hello there… pour yourself three fingers of the good stuff and sit on down. Team format Friday… Here we go from Trump Doral’s blue monster. The golf course is long, difficult and has plenty of rough to give these players fits. Today they are playing team vs team. The only thing that matters …