A look at California’s historical weather Good Morning, I’m Austerity Jones, and I am back with C Thomas Printer. Today we are going to discuss the soggy state of California. Good morning Austerity. The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow… California is famous for its sunshine, and it could use a …
This week on Looking Backwards: New Zealand PM quitting, and the protests in Peru. This week on Looking Forwards: threats that could hinder China to become a superpower, the US hitting the debt ceiling, and Brazil-Argentina discussing creating a common currency. Jacinda Ardern resigns as prime minister of New Zealand | Jacinda Ardern | The …
Robert Duvall is Hollywood Royalty. It’s true. Good Morning, I’m Austerity Jones, and I am back with C Thomas Printer. C Thomas, I see here that today you got no inflation talk, no Bank of Japan talk, are you feeling unwell? C Thomas: At times, we need to learn lessons that can help us without being …
This week on Looking Backwards: Alibaba’s investment plan in Turkey, Biden’s handling of classified documents, and Brazil riots. This week on Looking Forwards: Lignite mine demonstrations in Germany, South Korea selling arms to UAE, and Japanese bond market turmoil. Alibaba plans logistics hub at Istanbul Airport, data centre near Ankara, Transport & Logistics – THE …
Who is in control? The FED? Or the bond market? C Thomas walks us through two opposite views of Jeffrey Gundlach and Zoltan Pozsar. You can read this episode here, or listen on Spotify, or watch on Youtube Good morning I’m Austerity Jones, and I am here with C Thomas Printer. C Thomas: Good morning …
These days on our planet: the US House finally having a speaker, the Japanese increasing their support for nuclear, declining European inflation, US December CPI Inflation awaited, and Silvergate being hit with $8bn in crypto withdrawals. Watch the show YouTube News of the week, handpicked for you Kevin McCarthy is elected House speaker after 15 …
C Thomas Printer and Austerity Jones talking about how relative money and wealth, and even inflation is. Good morning I’m Austerity Jones and I am here with C Thomas Printer. Welcome back to your regularly scheduled programming. Good morning C Thomas. C Thomas: Good morning Austerity. I am opening the episode with a movie quote. …
These days on our planet: Biden accusing oil companies -again-, Brazil markets sinking, Australia house prices tumbling, Tesla missing market estimates of quarterly deliveries, California combating with natural disasters, low-income households of UK to receive new cost-of-living payments. Listen to our LBLF (Looking Backwards Looking Forwards) show right away because we want you to be the …
A perspective on what awaits us in the new year: Elon’s empire on the brink, oil price-supply&demand, geopolitics in China-Taiwan issue, other regional hostilities: Belarus-Ukraine, Kosovo-Serbia, and India-China, another potential hotspot: Ghana defaulting on its debt, and the big question mark: housing market. And finally, turbulences in the US: $545bn in interest in the $1.7tn …
Join us as we go through the news of the year’s last week: Bank of Japan surprising the markets, Biden bailing out a pension fund through pandemic response package, the House failing to ban stock trading for the Congress, Uruguay’s global ambitions shaking up Mercosur, China and Covid hitting headlines again, and housing market softening …