Looking Backwards … LB #1 It has been an eventful first two weeks of Don’s new America. We have had air traffic controllers being offered buyouts of their contracts, two plane crashes in the next few days, and now the FAA main system is down. This according to the New York Times’ Mike Ives, “The …
I was thinking that there might be some time to analyze Trump’s moves and see where his team is going before having to wildly speculate about Trump’s black swans. I have said before that I think he is walking into a stacked deck against him. I am also not confident in his ability to maneuver …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 I recently read that Steph Curry, one of the greatest shooters in NBA history, struggled through his worst shooting night of his career. He is injured, getting older, and it is hard for him to maintain the form that he once possessed so effortlessly. He is having to realize that …
The proverb ”keep your friends close but your enemies closer” comes from the Italian Renaissance diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli but is also attributed to Sun Tzu. As Don Trump begins his second term, I can’t believe how chummy he is with his former enemies. His new frenemies include Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Don …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 Unemployment when Joe Biden took was over 6.4% now it is 4.1%. The S&P 500 was around 3,800 and now it is 6,000 so an increase of about 55%. The war in Afghanistan is over. Peace has been brokered in Gaza. Inflation, as we know, acts with a lag to …
I’d like to begin by reading a piece of dialogue between Capt. Louis Renault and Rick Blaine. “What in heaven’s name brought you to Casablanca.” “My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters. “The waters. What waters? We’re in a desert.” “I was misinformed.” I am beginning to wonder if Don Trump is going …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 The hottest news of the week other than the fires in Los Angeles has been the dumpster fire that has become the bond market. I considered writing about the LA fires but a bunch of rich people losing their McMansions probably doesn’t appeal to anyone other than pyro voyeurs and …
“Politicians, old buildings and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.” Noah Cross in Chinatown The death of Jimmy Carter at 100 years old this week reminds me of what Noah Cross said, the evil rich villain played by John Houston, said to J.J Gettes while eating fish with the heads still on. …
Looking Backwards … LB #1 With the beginning of the new year, there are many changes about to happen. New leaders will take the stage, tariffs might be implemented, and markets will fluctuate but some monumental events have already occurred. Let’s go to ZeroHedge, “An era came to a close in Europe on the first …
We start a fresh, anew if you will. New Year they say. Well, I don’t think much has changed. What I do know though is that China has hacked into our Treasury Department. That’s right. They hacked in, snooped around, and then left. American authorities are not happy. Some so this is payback for supporting …