Well hello there… pour yourself three fingers of the good stuff and sit on down. It’s a beautiful day in the desert. It looks hot and it is. Patrick Reed is in shorts for the first time ever. The umbrellas are out and it isn’t for the rain. The 16th tee shot with the baby …
Do you know what the equivalent of Covid was in the 1840s? It was the American Indian, it was risk versus reward at America’s finest. That’s right as the more daring individuals took off from St Louis Missouri and started the long journey west across the sunlit plains, they encountered the Sioux, the Cheyenne, the …
LBLF #1 The US treasury had a very tepid bond auction this week causing rates to skyrocket after days of flight to safety buying amid the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. The bond market is missing its biggest buyer: the Fed. When you remove the biggest buyer yields will have to rise …
I’ve spent much of the weekend glued to the events of the Middle East. On Saturday morning, Hamas invaded Israel from the Gaza Strip by air, land and sea. I wrote a bit about this for Looking Backwards Looking Forwards but let’s recap what happened before we try to figure out what is really happening. …
LBLF #1 Hamas attacked Israel by surprise as the world falls further into chaos and conflict. The brutal images of kidnapping, explosions, and civilians being forced to run into the desert for safety are the images we ae consuming this weekend. While we are watching the horrors of war, we try to understand why Hamas …
When the deepest and most liquid treasury market in the world starts bouncing around like my EKG watching Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, we might have a problem. Barron’s had a great article by Randall Forsyth talking about a new fiscal regime or what Luke Gromen has called fiscal dominance which is that the debt …
LBLF #1 Unprofitable companies will soon be going away. Blue Apron goes away LB#2 Cities where these unprofitable companies are located will be going away. The decline of San Francisco LB#3 The crypto story is getting harder to believe JP Morgan turns off crypto in the UK LF#1 AI and other risky stocks are getting …
Good morning and welcome back to Bygone Relics, I’m C Thomas Printer. Let me tell you a little story that was made into one of the saddest movies of all-time. In 1930, the great Australian racehorse Phar Lap had won 7 straight races going into the Melbourne Cup. The big red horse won “the race …
Well hello there… pour yourself three fingers of the good stuff and sit on down. Welcome to the windy city and Rich Harvest Farms just south of the city. It is a wet day and we are playing lift clean and place today. Lush and green is how the course is looking. It has been …
LB#1 UK starts rolling back green agenda deadlines The US bailout of wind has started already LB#2 In a first, India buys oil with rupees India buys oil from UAE with Rupees LB#3 The average price to buy a home is 62% higher than renting, the highest since 2000. Renting a home is FAR cheaper …